Should Christians Divorce if They Remarried for Unbiblical Reasons according to the Bible?
Christians who have divorced and remarried for unbiblical reasons should not divorce again according to the Bible. Read on to find out why!
Should Christians Divorce if They Remarried for Unbiblical Reasons according to the Bible?
Christians who have divorced and remarried for unbiblical reasons should not divorce again according to the Bible. Read on to find out why!
Are Christians Allowed to Remarry after Divorce according to the Bible?
Christian men and women who divorce should never remarry because remarriage is the equivalent of committing adultery. There are three exceptions to this rule. Read on to find out!
Christian men and women are not allowed to divorce. There are two exceptions, however. Read on to find out what they are!
Marriage according to the Bible is an exclusive lifetime union between one man and one woman that represents the gospel and is the only place where sexual activity is permitted.
How to Apply the Bible to Your Life: A Short Study in Method
There are many methods for applying the Bible to our lives. In this article, I argue that the salvation-historical application method is the most biblical and most consistent.
According to the Bible, the following sexual conduct is prohibited and is considered sexual immorality: heterosexual sexual conduct outside of marriage, sex with prostitutes, orgies, lust, adultery,...