There are a number of passages throughout the Gospels that speak about likening people with children in order to enter the Kingdom of God (KOG). It is quite common to hear sermons on how we must have faith like a little child if we wish to enter the Kingdom of God. One such passage that garners attention is Luke 18:15–17.
“Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.’”
LUKE 18:15–17, emphasis added
The main point of Luke 18:15–17 is quite apparent: “whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” Put positively, you and I must receive the KOG like a child if we want to enter the KOG (and we certainly want to enter the KOG!).
Although identifying the main point is easy, the meaning of it is somewhat vague and ambiguous. Jesus could be saying either
- Receive the KOG in the same way that a child receives the KOG.
- Receive/take the KOG like I am receiving the children.
The key to understanding Luke 18:15–17 is the scenario that is described.
Jesus Is Receiving Infants
Notice that the crowds are bringing infants, babies, to Jesus so that he may lay his hands upon them (Luke 18:15). We have a scene in which Jesus is literally receiving babies. The fact that Jesus is receiving infants is important because it would not make sense for Jesus to tell us to receive the KOG like an infant receives the KOG. Infants can’t do anything! My wife and I had our fourth child in March 2022 and I can tell you that my baby can only do one thing correctly—cry. He can’t even eat correctly. My wife and I had to train his lips to be in the correct position so that he could suck the milk. It makes no sense for Jesus to be saying receive the KOG like an infant receives the KOG. Thus, it makes more sense that Jesus is giving a physical illustration on how to receive the KOG—do it like he is receiving the babies.
Hindrance to Receiving Infants
Notice, however, that there is something hindering Jesus from receiving the babies—the disciples. We see in Luke 18:15 that the disciples are rebuking the parents who are bringing the infants and stopping Jesus from receiving them. Jesus even says in verse 16, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them!”
Receiving the Kingdom of God Like Infants
So, how does one receive the KOG like one receives an infant? Without hindrances. If we want to enter the KOG, then we must receive it without any hindrance, like we would receive an infant. Have you ever taken an infant in your arms before? You must have both hands and arms totally free; there can be nothing between you and the infant, just like there was nothing between Jesus and the infants he was receiving.
So, I know that I must receive the KOG without any hindrances, but still, how does one actually “receive/take an entire kingdom”? A kingdom is not like a baby, so how do I practically do this? The following passage (Luke 18:18–30) gives us the answer. We receive the KOG by following Jesus. The hindrances that we must remove are anything that may stop us from following Jesus: wealth, family, prestige, various kinds of sin we do not want to give up, etc. For a more in-depth treatment of Luke 18:18–30, see my article on this passage.
Jesus is not saying that a person must become like a child in order to receive the Kingdom of God (KOG) in Luke 18:15–17. Rather, he is saying that a person must receive the Kingdom of God like he (Jesus) is receiving the children (infants), without any hindrances. This means a person must remove anything that may hinder him from following Jesus, such as wealth, prestige, various kinds of sin we do not want to give up, even family members who are opposed to Jesus and Christianity, and then follow Jesus for the rest of our lives.